5 Financial Goals to Make This Year | EverydayResources.com


5 Financial Goals to Make This Year

Saving for things that are currently out of your budget is a wise choice. Whether you are 10 years old and want a bicycle or an adult who wants to buy a new car, saving would be the best goal. But, as you grow up financial management becomes a complicated activity.

So, if you find financial management challenging and want to figure out ways to achieve the unachievable, then you should start by setting up goals. When you have goals in your mind, you can easily stick to a strategy, despite a tight budget. Here are some financial goals that you should include in your New Year’s journal and learn how to achieve them:

1.     Build an Emergency Fund

Normally, people think of an emergency fund as a short-term financial goal. But, that is not entirely true. Emergency funds have long-term financial benefits as well. The emergency fund works as a money management tool. It can help you through medical expenses and job loss.

To create a long-term emergency fund you need to set saving goals. This doesn’t mean that you should have a single large goal. Rather divide this goal into smaller ones to keep a track of them. Start with small but regular contributions. Also, limit your monthly expenses and automate your savings in a separate bank account.

2.     Manage Credit Card Expenses

Interest charges negatively and largely influence your cash flow. Therefore, you should reduce your credit card use. Furthermore, you shouldn’t use a credit card unless you know how you are going to pay. If you have trouble paying for the use, try credit consolidation.

3.     Reduce Your Expenses

When you learn how to manage your expenses, you get complete control over your finance. You should set a goal to spend less than you earn. This means that you need to avoid using a credit card. When you limit your expenses, you get plenty of income for investment, saving, and paying off debt. At first, differentiate between needs and wants. You cannot achieve your financial goals without recognizing extra expenses.

4.     Quit Any Addiction

This might not seem like a financial goal, but you can save a huge amount by quitting any addictions. Whether you are addicted to cigarettes or alcohol, you are wasting your money. Addiction works like a financial parasite that eats up all your money. However, when you quit your addictions, you can add a significant amount in savings. To quit any addiction you need to distract your mind whenever you feel the urge to so end the money on it.

5.     Develop Skills

Adding new skills to your portfolio can lead to large payoffs. If you are a student you can attend workshops and conferences and learn new ideas to earn money. However, if you work in an office, you can take additional training and become an expert. Developing new skills open new opportunities and doors to earn income.


For many people, financial management seems like an irritating task. Keeping track of your income and expense requires more time. But, setting your financial goal will improve your future. If you want to be independent when you get old, you should take control of your finance from now.